Sun Life are using The Claim Lab Questionnaire to capture information about plan members on long term disability. This ‘Plan Member Update’ function is showing significant benefits. Here is an exert from a Sun Life news release:
Mining for Hidden Gold
In some of our previous blogs we have talked about how psychosocial insights are beneficial for claim outcomes, case manager job satisfaction, and overall claims departments’ organizational health for several reasons. As anyone in the business world knows, if a ‘prospective’ project, strategic initiative, acquisition of a new tool is to be undertaken, subjective benefits […]
July 2023 – Amplify Mental Health Expertise
Amplify Your Mental Health Expertise An educational webinar on adjudicating claims with a mental health component Join Munich Re, along with Dr. Les Kertay, Ph.D., and Ian Bridgman from The Claim Lab, on July 18th at 1:00PM ET, for a discussion on the complexities of adjudicating claims with a mental health component. Dr. Kertay, Ph.D., […]
May 2023 – Munich Re & The Claim Lab
We are very excited to announce our partnership with Munich Reinsurance. The Claim Lab and Munich Re have been working together closely in Canada and this extends that partnership to cover the United States. We have seen our products grow and innovate to provide insightful data at all stages in the claim lifecycle, and our […]
March 2023 – Mind Over Matter…?
Anyone who has handled any claims involving injuries has noticed the phenomenon that different claimants with similar demographics and similar injuries may appear to heal or to get back to full time work, do so at very different rates. Earlier in my claims career, my first response might be to think in terms of the […]
January 2023 – The Lurking Workplace Issue
The Lurking Workplace Issue … Dear In our last few blogs, we have focused on some practical business issues that claims organizations need to deal with to be successful (and we hope you found them of value). This month, we will get back to our roots a bit. The reason for our very existence is to […]
November 2022 – The Cost of Ignoring Psychosocial
The Psychosocial influencers on a claim have always been rather esoteric, hard to quantify, down to the claim adjusters judgement and feelings… So how can we possibly assign a cost to this abstract concept. Let’s look at this in more detail….As we accumulate more psychosocial data, we can study the effect of these psychosocial influencers on […]
September 2022 – Long Live Claims!
As Charles III takes on his new role, I pause to consider the enormity of the task before him. Somehow, he has to modernize the Royal Family to survive! But how does he do that within the constraints of the storied tradition and history? It is the pomp and ceremony that make a royal occasion so special, […]
July 2022 – Success is not Accidental…
In our experience here at The Claim Lab, along with our involvement in other insurance technology projects and claims initiatives, one truth has consistently emerged. Even though projects, new initiatives, and implementations may be drastically different, well-planned projects succeed and poorly planned projects fail. The acclaimed early insurance claims icon, Sun Tzu, once said, “Every […]
June 2022 – Why would anyone want a job in claims?
Like many industries claims is experiencing changes to the workforce and will need to work harder to recruit staff. Whilst there are many factors that attract employees, we know that more and more people are looking for meaning and purpose in a role… The events since 2020 (pandemic, expanded work from home opportunities, “The Great […]